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Laser Assisted Hatching

Laser-Assisted Hatching

Assisted hatching is a technology that helps embryos to hatch and attach to the womb of the woman.
A shell called zona pellucida, which allows only one sperm cell to enter and fertilise the egg, surrounds the unfertilised egg. During culture of the human embryo, zona pellucida gets harder. The harder zona pellucida may prevent the eggs from hatching. Pregnancy cannot occur unless the human embryo hatches out of this shell.
Laser assisted hatching is a method to help the fertilised egg to hatch and attach to the uterus. Research has shown that in women with repeated IVF treatment failures, assisted laser hatching doubles their chances of a pregnancy. This is especially required in women older than 37 years of age (as they have a tendency to produce eggs with a harder zona pellucida), and women treated with higher doses of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).

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